
Onwards and upwards. Ever higher.

The Latin word first entered my lexicon when I was a young girl, in the form of a poem of the same name by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the great American poet. I was struck by the word itself and its sound as it so elegantly slipped off my tongue. I immediately attached myself to the phrase and have since come to develop my own personal associations and interpretations of the word and concept.

I have ascribed deep meaning to the word Excelsior because of what it represents — the idea of becoming the highest version of yourself.

I personally feel that I am always in search of my highest self. I get glimpses of her here and there — and I recognize her most when I am creating and expressing myself artistically. I am intimately familiar with and passionate about self-work and have had the opportunity to sort of re-invent myself time and again, each experience revealing more of my true self.

Yet sometimes I wonder, “Onwards and upwards — to what end ? Where is the destination ?” Who knows.

There is no clear answer, no easy path out here on this journey we call life.

But in a single word, Excelsior encapsulates the idea of the recurring and natural creative cycle of inspiration, ambition, action & attempt, (inevitable) failure, acceptance, growth, enlightenment, progress, healing, understanding, and curiosity.

I believe that in order to be our highest selves, we first need to know, understand, accept, embrace, celebrate, and then express that Self — that pure, true identity that you know deep down to be yours and yours alone.

Excelsior by Rosalie is my curated personal philosophy and wearable artwork that I feel deeply compelled to share, with the hope that doing so may spark curiosity, joy and inspiration for others.

I know that I have a unique way of viewing the world, and although it’s a gift and a curse sometimes, to feel so deeply and passionately, at the end of day, I am grateful to be able to experience and witness life so intensely.

So this, dear reader, is my message to you:

Excelsior is a calling, an invocation, an exclamation. An invitation to excel.

To take care, effort, and consideration for yourself and for others.

Therefore, Excelsior is a choice to commit to your highest self — every. day.

When you consistently show up for yourself with purposeful intention, magic can happen.

Starting from where you are now, wherever you are in your life — you can begin to be your best self today.

And what better gift can you give yourself than that of freedom and of self-expression ?

Onwards and upwards ..

Excelsior !!

— Rosalie xoxo

A traveller, by the faithful hound,

Half-buried in the snow was found,

Still grasping in his hand of ice

That banner with the strange device,


There in the twilight cold and gray,

Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay,

And from the sky, serene and far,

A voice fell like a falling star,


— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow